
rPublishing = remote Publishing

What before How

What: focus on key data and values of company informations, later decide How technology will help you


  Publish data no copy in all branch offices (warehouses, manufacturing plants, sales offices, point of sales) push updates by IFTTT

IFTT: If this than that , let the actions flow. Interconnect parcel delivery with warehouse and Sales target.


1999: Expensive dedicated terminals with proprietary industrial BUS for sharing complex EDI data

2019: very cheap mqtt (<10$) terminals with plain Worldwide Web standard with exceptional totally FREE NO-SQL ultra fast INMEMORY systems


get all Web Enterprise Data benefits, without endorsing complex, expensive, large IT systems

Enhance your company work cycle in the digital era. Discover how rPublishing is able to help you.

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Easy deploy of your publication with rPublishing starter kit

zero installation of additional software  in your Office PC or mobile SmartPhones  

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